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Guides are the only uniformed service which strives for universal peace and sisterhood. This is a wholesome programme which sharpens the minds, helps the students to work on time management and excel in academics as well. Guides provide a unique environment vital for personal and social development. It allows students to build their self-esteem.
A girl guide’s journey starts when she decides to join guiding. The initiative to be a part of guides starts with all that she listens and observes at school. The help and service they offer during the various events at school is appreciated.
There are 200 girls enrolled for guides. They attend the guide meet every fortnight and learn the basic and most important lessons from the guide Captain. The Girl Guide spends her time observing and learning. She then prepares herself for a test, followed by an Investiture Ceremony and so the journey continues. She is encouraged to develop her character, becomes helpful, friendly, trustworthy, courteous, courageous, loyal and disciplined. They are encouraged to do a good deed every day. Our guides are prepared to face the challenges that they come across, in accordance to the motto BE PREPARED.