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World Day of Prayer is an ecumenical movement sincerely dedicated to the women and children all over the world. Being a girls’ school, we devoutly observed this day on 1st March, 2024. This year was committed to the country Palestine with the theme, “I beg you….bear with one another in love.” Ephesians 4:2.
Mrs Nancy Jasper led us with the opening prayer. The Bible passage for the day taken from Ephesians 4;1-3 was read by Ms Sarah Paulin. The school choir rendered a beautiful song, “Your word lights the path we are walking.” in Arabic (Nasiru Binur Elkalina luai Zaher) under the guidance of Mrs Rachel Joyce and Mr Jaisingh on the keyboard. The students of standard IX and XI presented a play based on the true story of Shireen Abu Akleh, Palestinian American journalist for the Al Jazeera news network, titled ‘Voice of Truth’.
Our Principal, Dr Mrs Lavanya Mithran introduced the Chief Guest of the day, Dr Mrs Chaya Alfred, who delivered the message on the significance of prayer. The students of IX and XI performed graceful choreography based on the song, ‘Forever God Forever Love’. This was followed by Intercessory Prayer led by standard VII prefects. Like every year, our tiny tots of Kindergarten displayed the Palestinian culture wearing beautiful costumes.
Ms Mona Samson, Retired Principal Goodwill’s School, Presently the secretary ICWF (Inter Church Women Fellowship) shared her thoughts and greatly appreciated the role and contribution of our school in conducting the World Day of Prayer year after year. She also led us with closing prayer thanking Our Lord for all His mercies.
The day’s programme ended with the rendition of Palestinian National Anthem, “Fida’i” symbolising the Palestinian struggle for liberation and independence written by Said Al Muzayin. Its music was composed by Ali Ismael. This anthem is known as the ‘anthem of the Palestinian redemption’.